Introduction to Networking
IP Address
The word IP stands for Internet Protocol, An IP address is a numeric identification to each machine on an IP network, It designates the specific location of a device on the network.
An IP address is a software address not a hardware adddress the latter is hardcoded on a network interface card (NIC) and used for finding hosts on a local network. IP addressing was designed to allow host on one network to communicate host on a different network regardless of the type of LANs the hosts are participating in.
A subnet is a group of hosts, all of which have an identical beginning portion of their IP addresses. A subnet differs from a network in that a subnet is a further subdivision of a network, with a longer portion of the addresses being identical.
Subnetting is the process of subdividing networks into smaller subnets.
IP subnetting creates a vastly larger number of smaller groups of IP addresses compared with simply using Class A, Class B, and Class C Conventions.
The Class A, B, and C rules still exist but now a single Class A, B, and C networks are sub divides into too many smaller groups.
Subnetting treats a single division of Single Class A, B, and C network as if it were a network itself.
By doing so a single Class A, B, or C network can be subdivided into too many non-overlapping subnets.
Class less Inter-Domain routing allows internet service providers to reduce wasting of IP address by assigning a company a subset of a network number instead of the entire network
It also reduces the size of Internet routing tables allowing the internet to grow.
It is a convention defined in RFC(Request for comments) that calls for aggregating multiple networks into a single routing entity.
CIDR actually was created to help the scalability of internet routers.
CIDR also helps to reduce the chance that we will run out of IP addresses for new companies connecting to the internet.
Sub dividing an IP address in to network and node address is determined by the class designation of ones network.
The designers of the internet decided to create classes of networks based on network size for the small number of networks processing a very large number of nodes they created the Rank Class A network.
The other extreme is Class C network which is reserved for the number of networks with a smaller number of nodes.
the class distinction for the networks between very large and very small networks is predicatbly called the class B network.
There are 5 different address classes. You can determine which class any IP address is in by examining the first 4 bits of the IP address. Class A addresses begin with 0xxx, or 1 to 126 decimal. Class B addresses begin with 10xx, or 128 to 191 decimal. Class C addresses begin with 110x, or 192 to 223 decimal. Class D addresses begin with 1110, or 224 to 239 decimal. Class E addresses begin with 1111, or 240 to 254 decimal.
Static and Dynamic IP
Static Ip is also known as dedicated IP which refers to an exclusive IP address that has been assigned to a single user whenever you connect to a VPN your network communication will be routed through the same IP, Only a handful of VPNs such as Premiumvpn offers Static IPs.
Unlike dedicated IPS a dynamic IP address keep changing every time you connect to a VPN server each time a user is assigned a random and unique IP address instead of using a static IP address, Most VPNs offers dynamic IP addresses by default.
Configuring an EC2 instance with EBS volume
- Go to aws console and click on EC2.
- configure all the settings and clicl launch.
- similarly launch another EC2 intsance by checking the root type of AMI having EBS option and virtualization type as HVM.
- you can see root type and virtualization type at botton line of each and every AMI.
- And in the configuration at the security group configuration make sure you choose the source of the IP as MY IP.
- launch the instance after setting all the configurations.
- Now log in to the first EC2 instance you have created using the IP address through Putty.
- Navigate to the volume section under the EC2 Intsnace window and click on create volume.
- fill all the requirematns and click on create.
- When the new volume is created select the newly created volume and clik on action bar at the top.
- On the scroll down menu of action bar click on attatch volume.
- a pop up will occur asking you to select the instance to which it need to be attatched.
- click attach.
- Now to check that if the volume is attatched navigate to yoour SSH section and type command lsblk.
- There you can see your volume attached.
- Next on the dashboard of EC2 select the Elastic IPs option under the Network and security section.
- click on the allocate elastic IP button on the top.
- Click on allocate button on the next page there you can see a Elastic IP address is allocated for you.
- Now to assign that IP address to your EC2 instance, select the IP and click on the actions menu on the Elastic IPs dashboard.
- There on the dropdown menu of the actions you will see associate an Elastic IP address.
- Then in the next page you are prompted to select the intsnce in which the IP address you nedd to be allocated.
- In the private IP adress select the default one and click the checkbox to have your IP reassociated whenever you need.
- Click on associate.
- Navigate to your dashboard and check the IP adress you can see your Elastic IP assigned to your EC2 instance.