SQS stands for simple queue service. It is a queuing service for message processing, It is a system that polls the queue to discover new events.
Messages in the queue are typically processed by a single consumer. It is a fully managed queuing service for reliable communication between distributed software components and microservices at any scale.
It is used to decouple applications o they can run and fail independently, It also builds applications that are fault-tolerant and easy to scale. With the help of SQS, we can exchange messages between any number of systems at any volume without loss of messages.
It gives us a new queue that is reliable and scalable which is first in first out which is typically called as FIFO.
Creating and reading Message from SQS QUEUE
- On the AWS console go to services and click on SQS.
- You will be redirected to the SQS home page and click on get started.
- On the SQS home page, You will be asked to select a queue to create one.
- select the queue ( currently using Standard Queue) and click on the quick-create queue on the bottom.
- After clicking the button you will be getting on the details page of the queue.
- There on the dashboard, you can see your queue has been created,
- Click on the queue actions button which is located at the top and click on send a message.
- Now on the message body dialog box fill in the message you want.
- After filling the message body click on Message attributes and fill in the parameters and click on send message button.
- After clicking the send message button you will get the message has been delivered description on thee screen.
- now to see your message queue status go to the queue actions bar and click on the view or delete message option.
- On the view or delete message screen click on start polling for messages button.
- After the polling has completed you can see your message on the dashboard and if you want to delete the message select and click on delete button.
Hence the message configuration in the SQS QUEUE is completed.